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Homeschooling Swims Against The Conformist Current (And That’s A Good Thing)
As I was filtering through my Facebook feed, I noticed a posting from my good friend, Dr. Brian Ray, of the National Home Education Research Institute (NEHRI). I often share his posts because they always reflect the reality of homeschooling, good and not so good. I have always known Dr. Ray to present homeschooling in a truthful and unbiased light, even though he has home schooled his own children and believes in parent led education as a viable form of schooling. I find it amazing that our society can be so brainwashed into such narrow thought.
The article, in SFGate, features a formerly homeschooled student from Kansas who is now attending Penn State. It was titled, Homeschooling Presents Opportunities, Challenges.
Common Core State Standards and The Free Market
Last night, I had the pleasure to address a room full of patriots who have just recently been awakened to the serious threat that Common Core State Standards poses to educational freedom, parental rights, privacy, and the 10th amendment. Common Core is designed to gradually guide our future generations away from the free enterprise system in to a managed economy and global workforce.
Go to Missouri Education Watchdog and Missouri Coalition Against Common Core to learn more about what you can do to fight the over reach of the state and federal government into your parental rights and freedom of educational choice. Help us protect these rights and your right to homeschool your children, which are in great jeopardy, if Common Core advances in Missouri.
Speaking of free enterprise you, and your friends and family, have the opportunity to get a refresher course on what a free market is supposed to be. Loren Spicack, the Free Market Warrior, will be at the Family Vision Library for a free, two night seminar on REAL free market principles that America was founded on, and what you should expect from elected in order to maintain and environment to sustain such.
Here’s a sample of what you can expect on Monday April 29th and 30th. This is also a great opportunity for homeschooled students to get exposure to conservative free market principles and how government works, or not, to maintain an atmosphere in which they can thrive.
The Free Market Warrior Economic Literacy Seminar
Learn what every American and Patriot MUST KNOW about Free Market Economics and how they REALLY affect the economy.
Most Politicians don’t even know this about our economy.
- Can you explain why some tax cuts (Bush’s second term, Obama’s proposed) do absolutely nothing to stimulate the economy, while others (Reagan’s, Bush’s first term) provide a great stimulus?
- Were you taught in High School that the federal government needs to protect consumers from corporate monopolies that would otherwise be able to charge whatever they wanted?
- Were you taught that Roosevelt’s New Deal saved the country by intervening in the economy and “stimulating” demand?
- 4. Did you know that the biggest problem with American healthcare (one that is financially hurting us all) is that there is far too much insurance coverage?
- Would you be surprised to learn that the economic theories espoused by the current administration and congressional leaders were conclusively disproved more than 100 years ago?
The seminar is given over two evenings and divided into four parts:
- Intellectual and Historical Roots of Socialism: Understanding its broad appeal.
- The Intellectual and Historical Roots of Capitalism: Why we’ll starve without it.
- The Source of Value: Two contrasting views and their implications.
- Applying the Principles of Freedom to the Problems of Today: Taxes, Education, Health Care, Protectionism and Outsourcing, Population, Natural Resources and many more.
This is a great opportunity for High School Students to get the real scoop on America’s Free Market Principles. Bring your teenagers!
April 29th and 30th at the Family Vision Library – 6:30 to 10:00 pm
2020 Parkway Drive
St. Peters, Missouri 63376
The event is free to the public, but offerings to the Family Vision Library and Loren Spivack are appreciated.
Contact Lisa Payne-Naeger at Lisa.Naeger@mac.com
or the Family Vision Library http://www.thefamilyvision.org/
The Slippery Slope Of The Loss Of Individual Liberties
Not long ago, I published this story on PolitiChicks.tv. Homeschoolers need to understand how close they are to losing individual freedom and liberty. Your parental rights, as homeschoolers, and Americans are being eroded. Here’s the PolitiChicks article:
How does the plight of one German Christian homeschooling family expose the hypocrisy of the Obama administration’s policy on religious freedom, homeschooling, education in general and parental rights?
Also, Follow this legislation in Missouri: HB616
Common Core State Standards are the federally mandated/directed curriculums that are the key to undermining homeschooling/private schooling too. Just because this legislation is now targeted in public schools does NOT mean you, as a homeschooler, are safe from the reach of the government. This initiative will mandate how/if you homeschool. HB616 is the first small step in stopping CCSS.
Notwithstanding any other law, the state board of education shall not
2 adopt, and the department of elementary and secondary education shall not implement,
3 the Common Core State Standards developed by the Common Core Standards Initiative.
4 Any actions taken to adopt or implement the Common Core State Standards as of the
5 effective date of this section are void. Common Core State Standards or any other
6 statewide education standards shall not be adopted or implemented without the approval
7 of the general assembly.
Use the email addresses in the side bar to contact every one of the legislators in the House and Senate to let them know you are watching this and expect their support on this issue.
Parental Rights Alert: HSLDA/ParentalRights.org Action Item
ParentalRights.org issued an alert, today, urging Missourians to contact the state legislature in support of HB 513.
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the state of Missouri, as follows:
Section A. Chapter 1, RSMo, is amended by adding thereto one new section, to be known as section 1.250, to read as follows:
1.250. 1. (1) The liberty of a parent to direct the upbringing, education, and care of his or her child is a fundamental right.
(2) Neither the state of Missouri nor any political subdivision of this state shall infringe this right without demonstrating that its governmental interest as applied to the person is of the highest order and not otherwise served.
(1) This section applies to all laws of this state, and the implementation of such laws, whether statutory or otherwise, and whether adopted before or after the enactment of this section.
(2) Any statutory law enacted after the date of the enactment of this section is subject to this section unless such law explicitly excludes such application by reference to 11 this section.
Here’s the communication from HSLDA:
February 27, 2013Call To Support Missouri Parental Rights ActMissouri House Bill 513 (HB 513) would preserve the traditional right of parents to direct the upbringing, education, and care of their children – but we need your help to see it passed. HB513 faces a crucial vote in the Missouri House Committee of Children, Families, and Persons with Disabilities, and that vote could come at any time.
A parent’s traditional right to raise their children according to their own conscience and belief was unquestioned in America until 2000. In that year the Supreme Court’s Troxel v. Granville decision failed for the first time to respect the rights of parents on par with other fundamental rights. Since that decision, 24 lower courts have revealed an erosion of respect for parental rights as well – largely because legislatures have not yet stepped up to make sure these rights remain protected with clear legislation. The time for silence is over. The Missouri legislature needs to say loud and clear that parental rights are worth protecting, and not to be left to the whim of judges. Action Item Please visit http://www.house.mo.gov/ and enter your zip code in the search box to find your state representative. Then, if your representative is on the list below, please call him or her and urge support for HB 513. Your message can be as simple as, “Please vote yes on HB 513. The rights of parents need to be protected by statute, not left to the shifting whims of judges.” Or you can form your own message from among the talking points below. Committee members with an asterisk are already cosponsors of the bill. W encourage you to still call them, but also thank them for being a cosponsor when you call. Contact Information
Talking Points HB 513 is designed to protect your parental rights as “fundamental.” Fundamental rights require a high level of legal protection, and only a “governmental interest of the highest order,” or a “compelling government interest,” can override such a right. Otherwise, the government only needs to show some “rational basis” for violating your right – and that is really no right at all. So here are some key talking points to remember as you urge your lawmaker (and friends) to support HB 513: HB 513 will not give any additional rights, nor expand any existing rights that parents have. It only provides better protection for the rights parents already have. HB 513 will not allow parents to abuse their kids. It will not take authority away from the state to protect children from abuse or neglect. Because HB 513 reflects what is already the legal standard, it will have no impact on these other laws. HB 513 will not remove the “best interest of the child” standard. Currently, that standard comes into play when a parent has been deemed unfit or when the family is broken and it falls to the judge to determine child custody. And the same standard will still come into play in all of those same situations even after HB 513 is passed. HB 513 will not change the definition of “parent” or change who does or does not have parental rights. It also will not upset current custody or adoption orders. Even when parental rights are fundamental, courts still have the power to enter custody orders when custody of a child is in dispute. And courts still have power to terminate the rights of parents (like for adoption). HB 513 does not change that. HB 513 also will not let parents dictate curriculum in public schools. Even fundamental parental rights have been found insufficient to “entitle individual parents to enjoin school boards from providing information the boards determine to be appropriate” for students. Fields v. Palmdale School District, 2005 Thank you for standing with us in support of parental rights in Missouri! Sincerely, Michael Ramey |
Scott Woodruff, of HSLDA, gives this definition of “Fundamental Rights” as they relate to Parental Rights:
There are three types of rights: ordinary, fundamental, and absolute. If a right is “absolute,” the government can do absolutely nothing to restrict it—like the right to choose a faith. The rights of parents have never been considered absolute. The battle today is over whether your rights as a parent are “ordinary” or “fundamental.”